Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We do what we're told

Should there be a debate about how obedient we should be to church leaders as opposed to the gospel or the inner voice?

Some would argue (Read 'Under the Banner of Heaven') that even thinking the still small voice is telling you to do something does not mean you should do it.

ESPECIALLY when it is telling you something like commit a murder or a crime.

Should we not review the actions of church leaders to keep them to the standards they would expect of us?

These things I ponder as I think back to my days in SLC, Utah.

Also, to look at how different the church's stance is on politics is of note.

'The Proper Role of Government' by Ezra Taft Benson clearly denounces the use of government force to make people do as we want them to. It offers a libertarian stance on politics, not an intrusive one.

And one of my earliest memories of the threatre in Utah was the show Saturday's Warriors
about people having to lear on their own terms.

Satan wanted to force everyone to act, and Jesus wanted people to be free to decide for themselves. Believing that people, in choosing good and not being forced into it, would get the greatest reward.

So where are we today on this line of thinking?


I vote libertarian.

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