Sunday, December 09, 2007

FOX Finds Flaw in Frank Field Frackus- "Ron Paul admits to questioning a report by the government".

These ladies at FOX News really got Ron Paul where they want him, admitting he does not automatically believe everything in reports put out by the government. Glad to know that these ladies, and FOX News for that matter, have everyone thinking correctly about anything and everything the government says. Great job ladies, and GREEEEEAT work FOX News!!! Now if we could just get everyone else in America to not question anything put out by the government we will be doing fine.

Best line in this video, "Doesn't Congress have anything better to do than investigate something that, I don't really think is that much in question?"

Most telling line by FOX Talking Head in this video, "This is trouble for the Republican party, I think, having this guy on stage purporting to represent OUR party."

SO the Republican Party is the O'Reilly's Party? Wow!!!

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