Sunday, February 03, 2008

I call B.S. (Something smells funny about this)

Wesley Snipes was acquitted of evading the IRS because he was misled by some tax deniers?

Wait a sec. . . you're telling me that the IRS lost the claim against Snipes but it was because he was misled by the 'tax deniers' who are now facing charges? Is this a crack in the shell of the most heinous method of taxation since the King's of England took what they would from the . . . what is that group called??? OH the poor.

I know we HAVE to have taxes to have a government, but that does not mean we have to have the IRS. We CAN and in fact MUST come up with a better way to pay for the services our government provides*.

The NY Times article ends with this, "The Snipes case is the fourth significant loss by Justice Department prosecutors who brought felony charges against people who were leading figures in the tax denier movement.

Mr. O’Neil, the prosecutor, was asked whether Congress needs to revise the tax laws to deal with people who follow scam artists."

Really folks, can we come up with a tax code (consider it a project for college students to tackle) that does NOT favour one over another and provides enough money for the proper role of government? AND does not provide any funds for the waste, abuse, and corruption? Can we do that?

*BTW- What are the odds that I spent over an hour over the last week disputing a claim by the IRS. We found out that the IRS owed us about $5,000 so we sent in an adjusted claim and next thing we know they send us a letter stating we owe them $5,000. They accepted that they received our amended returns but can take 6-12 weeks to process the claims and that until they agree to what our amended returns say they can come into our bank account and take funds and otherwise get the money we owe them.

I wonder why people watch- "America: Freedom to Fascism" and get upset at the IRS.

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