Friday, March 07, 2008

My Response to the Total Lack or Response from the BBC

After a year of amazing record breaking support Ron Paul will always be remembered as the leader of a revolution that could have been, and one that may still rise from the ashes.

Anyone that dismisses him for being kooky, or flaky, or like any other baked good, really misses the mark when it comes to the importance of his campaign.

At one time in America we held a high value on state and individual rights. We have moved far from that. We also used to shun foreign entanglements, but we now meddle forcefully in the markets and governments of countries all over the world.

Ron Paul suggested with a surprisingly controversial campaign that we should return to the simpler America. One where we may not have all the same services from the central government, but we would also not be bound to a central planning nightmare.

Each state could practice education, healthcare, and the like on their own, and or Oregon figured out how to do math in a way that was ten times better than any other state then other states could mimic that process and learn from the experiment. Currently our education in America is a static nightmare of administrative and regulatory burdens. Try changing anything in the current system and you may take ten years to be heard. Our system here is Not dynamic and flexible and it is NOT because of 'no child left behind'. It is because George Bush has an easier time influencing the public schools than the parents who are bound to pay for and submit their children to its clutches.

Ron Paul suggests protection of our unalienable rights (the ones that all humans have) instead of the here today gone tomorrow attitude that most of our current elected officials have.

He suggests sound money and economic policies. balanced budgets.

He was the last boyscout in D.C. Everyone else seems to have graduated to something darker, something that involves man ruling over man. Man deciding what other men can do.

The media gave him about 2% coverage and he still was able to get second place and respectable third places all across the nation. Just on internet buzz and grassroots support alone.

He raised more money in day than anyone had ever done before.

He spoke bold faced truth in the debates.


Apparently not.

How unremarkable is the media that let him stand there alone. Pointing only at his wallet.


P.S. I have said before and will repeat, the BBC'c lack of real coverage of his campaign is regrettable.


Link to this: BBC:America:RonPaul

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