Friday, November 24, 2006

Lavish Holiday Heaven

On the never ending quest for salvation and understanding I think it is very important to not forget to stop and smell the roses.

I regret to say it but some people who are religious have forgotten that the neighbourhood they live in and the family they were born into have a lot of value. Just because there is the possibility of salvation on the other side of the veil does not justify treating those on this side of the veil poorly. In fact, treating others poorly and without love and respect violates the very idea of the type of life most religions preach that you should live on this Earth.

Consider the people close to you, Geographically and otherwise. And remember to be grateful for the freedom to worship as you choose. Never let your distaste for others way of life convince you to force them to conform to your view. Truly you should only rightfully keep them from violating others rights.

Peace and liberty for all,


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