Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The GOP would be wise to listen to Ron Paul's message

Opinion/Editorial article in the Seattle Times

"Two-thirds of Americans can now see that starting a war in Iraq was a mistake. The majority of Republicans still do not see it. Eventually they will, but it's hard to go against their own president unless one of their own makes them do it.

That may be the usefulness of Rep. Ron Paul. There is no way this libertarian medical doctor from Texas is going to win the Republican nomination. His strict noninterventionist policy is too radical a change for Republicans. But on foreign policy the Republican Party could use a dose of criticism that gets to the root of things, and that is what Paul has to offer."

For the whole article, click on the title of this article.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Demand For Ron Paul Grows

Click on the 'Demand For Ron Paul Grows' Title above to demand more Ron Paul in your area!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Darth Vader calls the Emperor

The View from the View

The best you tube collection yet~ Two Part Ron Paul Video

Part one of the 2008 (R) Pres nod race: (R) Ron Paul

Part 1:

Part 2:

Ron Paul in the lead, but not really

The thing that is truly amazing about these videos are the fact that the commentators from major news media admittedly spin the results and the words of Ron Paul.

So it is not in the realm of FOX reality that the audience connected with the one candidate that was brave enough to take the original (R) party line instead of the lock step neo-con party line that the other nine candidates took.

What'd I Say? Bush compared to Ron Paul

Bill Maher Comes Around

Friday, May 04, 2007

Ron Paul

My answer to the global warming concern posed by Bill Maher. Downsize the American Government as it is the largest polluter on the face of the Earth. We the people have to care about our world enough to save it. It will only be a force of human positive will, not orwellian handcuff force that will cause the type of response to the global warming problem we face.

Ron does not have the high speed internet wit of Bill Maher, BUT he does respond with honest forthright and amazing answers.

So far, He is the only (R) for which I would vote as he is not for the neo-can agenda of social intolerance and fiscal irresponsibility.

Go Ron Paul